GCSE Practice Questions and Solutions

Multiple Choice Questions can be found HERE

General questions
The following table contains hyper-links take you to pages of over 300 GCSE standard questions.
Each question has a link for you to click to see the solution - and (I think!) useful comments on how the marks are allocated by the examination board.
I suggest that you try each question in turn and then look at the mark scheme - that way you will know the sort of emphasis examiners put on keywords etc. for later questions you tackle.
Topic |
Number of questions |
Atomic Structure - Rutherford experiment |
4 |
Circular Motion |
3 |
Density |
5 |
Electric circuits |
15 |
Electricity in the home (Fuses, earthing, wiring a plug, domestic appliances, National Grid) |
20 |
Electromagnetic Induction (Electric Generator) |
6 |
Electromagnetic Spectrum |
13 |
Electromagnets and Magnets |
7 |
Energy changes from one form to another - Conservation of Energy - Sankey Diagrams |
8 |
Energy Sources - Biomass, Wind, Wave, HEP, Nuclear, Tidal, Geothermal, Fossil Fuel |
28 |
Eye and sight defects - also lenses and other optics questions requiring ray diagrams |
23 |
Forces and Motion - including terminal velocity - also see Circular Motion |
29 |
Geophysics |
1 |
Generator (Electromagnetic Induction) |
6 |
Heat Travel - Conduction - Convection and Radiation - Insulation |
18 |
Hooke's Law |
4 |
Kinetic Theory - Boyle's Law - the gas laws |
4 |
Light - reflection and colour (also see the optics (lenses) section and refraction and TIR) |
4 |
Magnets and Electromagnets |
7 |
Medical physics - including therapy and scanning |
9 |
Moments and Centre of Gravity |
13 |
Momentum |
5 |
Motion and Forces - including terminal velocity - also see Circular Motion |
26 |
Motor Effect |
7 |
Nuclear Structure - Rutherford Experiment |
4 |
Optics questions - Lenses and the Eye, and Mirrors and reflection |
25 |
Pressure, buoyancy, upthrust and fluids |
8 |
Radioactivity |
19 |
Ray diagram questions - lenses and mirrors |
23 |
Refraction and Total Internal Reflection |
11 |
Specific Heat Capacity and Latent Heat |
15 |
Space - satellites, telescopes, redshift |
18 |
Static electricity |
10 |
Total Internal Reflection and Refraction |
11 |
Transformer Questions |
10 |
Waves - electromagnetic and mechanical - oscillations - reflection - wave equation |
19 |
I am in the process of adding more questions.
It takes a long time to put them in a suitable format for online use
- so do check back from time to time
- there will be new ones...