Type Indicator Tests 

out your Jung type |
Jung typing (like that in the MBTI ®)
of your personality is based on four fundamental preferences.
You decide what 'type' you are by answering honestly how you feel
most comfortable within different situations... You say what you
are like!
are posed to find your preference between two extremes. It is
very rare for someone to be 100% one extreme or the other! Most
of us are a mixture of the two. The test helps you to sort out
what is your dominant factor. You are then given a percentage
value for one of the letters that stand for the preference.
of us have mood swings that make our preferences alter slightly.
If your preference for one type is only a small percentage (being
a 'balanced' person) then you may find that on another occasion
you change 'type' when ptaking the test. It is best to answer
the questions in accordance with what would be your 'usual' frame
of mind... not one in which you feel unusually hyper or unusually
you score a high percentage for a characteriostic it is unusual
for that to ever change.
or I)
Where does your primary source of energy come from... the outside
world (activity and spoken words, others actions and thoughts
triggering a response in you - like a catalyst to your thoughts)
or inside yourself (your inner thoughts and emotions being affected
very little by what goes on around - not responding to them)?.
You will be given an E or an I letter.
Extraverted Characteristics
Act first, think/reflect later
Feel deprived when cutoff from interaction with the outside world
Usually open to and motivated by outside world of people and things
Enjoy wide variety and change in people relationships
Introverted Characteristics
Think/reflect first, then Act
Regularly require an amount of "private time" to recharge batteries
Motivated internally, mind is sometimes so active it is "closed" to outside world
Prefer one-to-one communication and relationships
(S or N)
How do you
prefer to take in information..... logically from physical evidence,
using your five senses, weighing
up all the facts, wanting details and evidence......... or intuitively
- getting a 'feeling' for what is going on, looking at the 'big
picture', wanting an overview rather than detail, preferring to
form an idea or trend or pattern rather than go into minute detail,
using your sixth sense - iNtuition? . You will be given an N or
an S letter.
Sensing Characteristics
Mentally live in the Now, attending to present opportunities
Using common sense and creating practical solutions is automatic-instinctual
Memory recall is rich in detail of facts and past events
Best improvise from past experience
Like clear and concrete information; dislike guessing when facts are "fuzzy"
INtuitive Characteristics
Mentally live in the Future, attending to future possibilities
Using imagination and creating/inventing new possibilities is automatic-instinctual
Memory recall emphasizes patterns, contexts, and connections
Best improvise from theoretical understanding
Comfortable with ambiguous, fuzzy data and with guessing its meaning.
How do you
prefer to make decisions..... related to how they will affect
others, how they will feel, based
on your personal values or based on hard, cold facts, do you think
being objective and detatched is best? Would you give a different
answer to a particular question to a different person (F) or need
to give the same objective answer even if it hurt them (T)? You
will be given an F or a T letter.
Thinking Characteristics
Instinctively search for facts and logic in a decision situation.
Naturally notices tasks and work to be accomplished.
Easily able to provide an objective and critical analysis.
Accept conflict as a natural, normal part of relationships with people.
Feeling Characteristics
Instinctively employ personal feelings and impact on people in decision situations
Naturally sensitive to people needs and reactions.
Naturally seek consensus and popular opinions.
Unsettled by conflict; have almost a toxic reaction to disharmony.
(J or P)
How do you
prefer to organise your life.... structured (make snap decisions, Judgements, like timetables, action plans, like to know
where you stand and where you are going) or flexible, hating routine,
discovering life as you go along, thriving on challenge and last
minute decisions on your Perception
of the situation? You will be given a J or a P letter.
Judging Characteristics
Plan many of the details in advance before moving into action.
Focus on task-related action; complete meaningful segments before moving on.
Work best and avoid stress when able to keep ahead of deadlines.
Naturally use targets, dates and standard routines to manage life.
Perceiving Characteristics
Comfortable moving into action without a plan; plan on-the-go.
Like to multitask, have variety, mix work and play.
Naturally tolerant of time pressure; work best close to the deadlines.
Instinctively avoid commitments which interfere with flexibility, freedom and variety
trick to 'self assessment questionnaires is to be honest'... and
not to think too much about the questions... answer with your
first impulse.... don't think about alternative situations/meanings........
and remember, your type is what you say you are! Learn from it,
never use it as an excuse, but use explanations of how other types
think/feel to help you understand how other folk think/react....
increase your empathy for others and understand yourself better!
Assessment of your Jung type |
yourself assessed for free on a similar system at Humanmetrics.com
excellent site -
- Click on the 'typelogic.com' icon to check it out.....
and/or Typology Central - - another excellent free site
(it is always interesting to see whether you are assessed as the same 'type' on all sites - and to read the assessment written from a different source)
that can help you find out your Myers Briggs type: |
1. The Myers
Briggs Type Indicator® (published by the Consulting Psychologists
Press, this should be completed under the guidance of a suitably
qualified administrator)
2. The Kiersey Temperament sorter (from the book 'Please Understand
® Myers Briggs Type Indicator and MBTI are registered trademarks
of Consulting Psychologists Press Inc. Oxford Psycholgists Press
Ltd has exclusive rights to the trademark in the UK.
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