About this site...
The Webmistress
I am a fully qualified physics Teacher - BSc (Hons), MSc, PGCE, MInstPhys, CPhys... more letters after my name than in it - although I have let the last two sets of letters lapse as the fees are pretty high to remain a member of the Institute of Physics and I am only on a small pension now...
Although the graphic of 'the Professor' may make you think I am male, I am not. I am female... my son drew the graphic to represent the stereotypical physicist as an illustration for some of my early worksheets and he stayed with me.
My career
This site is the product of a teaching career that involved teaching physics in one of the UK's leading state grammar schools for almost twenty five years. Selection for this school involved an entrance examination but no fees were paid for tuition. The pupils were therefore selected for their intelligence not their social background.
I was therefore used to teaching physics to the highest level to students in the age range 11 to 18 years.
At Key Stage 3 most of my pupils attained a level 7, at GCSE most of my pupils attained A or A* and at A level most of my pupils attained a grade A*, A or B. My lessons therefore aimed at a deeper than average understanding and a higher than average standard from my students.
History of the website
I began putting material on the World Wide Web back in the 1990s under the name of Cyberphysics on my pwp (personal web pages). The address was www.cyberphysics.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk.
My students at school found it useful to have key-facts online to help them with revision, and I could give feedback on homework tasks easily via the web. I found it useful to put up a wide range of materials for their use that I simply did not have time to share in class. It was also useful to put up 'wide reading' links for my keen, more able students. This helped to broaden their knowledge and understanding of the subject.
As my interest in computing grew, so did my site. I enjoyed experimenting with animation and graphics packages and felt that the time I spent gained validity if I spent the time producing materials for my students.
This domain address
It was in 2009 that I moved the site to its own domain. This gave me much more webspace and enabled me to upload more graphical material.
When the school invested in whiteboards I began to upload material that I could actually use in lessons. It was handy to have pre-written (and checked) nots and diagrams that I could just 'pull up' when required (as long as the school wifi allowed that is!)
As well as worksheets and test and examination question solutions I began to include items which interested me such as 'science in the news' and information on famous scientists. These pages were useful as background reading for my pupils. I also began to experiment with You Tube videos, making little vid-clips for topics that I knew some students needed extra time to cogitate over.
In 2010 I joined the TES Connect site, sharing my resources with teachers all over the world.
In October 2012 I became a TES content partner because my contributions were highly prized and in February 2013 I was invited to take part in the new sister
website that the TES has started for Australian educators.
2010 - Winner in the Institute of Physics competition to find the best physics websites |
In 2010 the Institute of Physics held a competition to find the best physics websites. I still don't know who entered me for the award but I was very chuffed when the IOP contacted me and said I was in the shortlist for of finalists.
I didn't win outright... that went to a professionally run site (teams of writers)... but I did win by popular vote - I got 4 stars! I was 'the people's choice'....
There wasn't a 'prize' other than the acclaim of being a winner, but I was thrilled to have my little Fuzzle carry the banner saying I had won the votes of so many users.
Worldwide Appeal

The site today has over 2000 pages, almost a half million people visited the site in 2021/2 - many of them returning to the site time after time. I love to hear from 'fans' all over the world. It is good to know my hard work is appreciated.
I retired from classroom teaching in August 2014, and until 2020 I was remain a setter for A level questions and until 2018 a marker of GCSE papers. My interest in education, physics and computing is ongoing, as is this site. I hope you find my site useful and interesting.
The site is free to use, but should you want to thank me for my help a small donation (the cost of buying me a cup of coffee perhaps) would be gladly received...