Module 5: Newtonian world and astrophysics

5.1 Thermal physics



(a) thermal equilibrium


(b) absolute scale of temperature (i.e. the thermodynamic scale) that does not depend on property of any particular substance.


(c) temperature measurements both in degrees Celsius (°C) and in kelvin (K)


(d) T(K) ≈ θ(°C) + 273



Solid, liquid and gas

(a) solids, liquids and gases in terms of the spacing, ordering and motion of atoms or molecules

Multiple Choice






(b) simple kinetic model for solids, liquids and gases

(c) Brownian motion in terms of the kinetic model of matter and a simple demonstration using smoke particles suspended in air

(d) internal energy as the sum of the random distribution of kinetic and potential energies associated with the molecules of a system

(e) absolute zero (0 K) as the lowest limit for temperature; the temperature at which a substance has minimum internal energy

(f) increase in the internal energy of a body as its temperature rises

(g) changes in the internal energy of a substance during change of phase; constant temperature during change of phase.


Thermal properties of materials

(a) specific heat capacity of a substance;

the equation

E = mcΔθ

Estimating specific heat capacity, using method of mixture.

E = mcΔθ  

(b) (i) an electrical experiment to determine the specific heat capacity of a metal or a liquid


(b) (ii) techniques and procedures used for an electrical method to determine the specific heat capacity of a metal block and a liquid


(c) specific latent heat of fusion and specific latent heat of vaporisation;

E = mL

E = mL  

(d) (i) an electrical experiment to determine the specific latent heat of fusion and vaporisation


(d) (ii) techniques and procedures used for an electrical method to determine the specific latent heat of a solid and a liquid.



Ideal gases

(a) amount of substance in moles; Avogadro constant NA equals 6.02 × 1023 mol–1


(b) model of kinetic theory of gases assumptions for the model:

- large number of molecules in random, rapid motion particles (atoms or molecules) occupy negligible volume compared to the volume of gas

- all collisions are perfectly elastic and the time of the collisions is negligible compared to the time between collisions

- negligible forces between particles except during collision


(c) pressure in terms of this model.


  Explanation of pressure in terms of Newtonian theory.

(d) (i) the equation of state of an ideal gas pV = nRT, where n is the number of moles

pV = nRT  

(d) (ii) techniques and procedures used to investigate

PV = constant (Boyle's law) and

T/P = constant


(d) (iii) an estimation of absolute zero using variation of gas temperature with pressure


(e) the equation

where N is the number of particles (atoms or molecules) and c2 is the mean square speed

  Derivation of this equation is not required.... but you might find it interesting to look at! Click here

(f) root mean square (r.m.s.) speed; mean square speed

  Learners should know about the general characteristics of the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution.

(g) the Boltzmann constant;


k = R/NA  

(h) pV = NkT;

pV = NkT

Learners will also be expected to know the derivation of this equation from

and pV = nkT

See here

(i) internal energy of an ideal gas.