Each colour within the visible light spectrumhas its own narrow band of wavelength and frequency.
Reflection from a smooth surface in a single direction is called specular reflection.
Reflection from a rough surface causes scattering: this is called diffuse reflection.
Colour filters work by absorbing certain wavelengths (and colour) and transmitting other wavelengths (and colour).
The colour of an opaque object is determined by which wavelengths of light are more strongly reflected.
Wavelengths that are not reflected are absorbed.
If all wavelengths are reflected equally the object appears white.
If all wavelengths are absorbed the objects appears black.
Objects that transmit light are either transparent or translucent.

Students should be able to explain:
how the colour of an object is related to the differential absorption, transmission and reflection of different wavelengths of light by the object
the effect of viewing objects through filters or the effect on light of passing through filters
why an opaque object has a particular colour.