a wave hits a boundary with a medium that it can travel faster in (e.g.
light going from glass into air) it will be refracted
through a larger angle than its angle of incidence.
The bigger
the angle of incidence gets the bigger the angle of refraction will get.
This has a limit though! The angle of refraction cannot get bigger than
A special
name is given to the angle of incidence that produces an angle of refraction
of 90o.
It is called the critical angle.
If the
angle of incidence gets any bigger refraction is not possible and all
the light is then reflected.
Total Internal Reflection causes 100% reflection.
In no other situation in nature does this occur, so it is unique and very
useful as it is 100% efficient at transfering the light energy.
Click on the graphic for a larger version
If you
observe carefully when you carry out an experiment into refraction you
will notice that light is not just refracted but that some of it is reflected
as well. The larger the angle of incidence the more of the light is reflected
and less of it passes into the other medium. You therefore get weak reflection
and good transmission into the other medium (refraction) with a small
angle of incidence and stronger reflection and less transmission as the
angle of incidence gets bigger.
When it reaches the critical angle you
get NO transmission of the light into the other medium, it is all reflected.
That is why it is called TOTAL internal reflection, and that is why you
must always include that word TOTAL when it applies.
internal reflection occurs when:
a ray of light is incident upon a boundary with an optically
rarer medium (one that makes it speed up) and
angle of incidence is greater than the critical angle. >
must mention BOTH points when asked to explain the conditions under which
TIR will be observed).
critical angle is the angle of incidence that produces an angle of refraction
of 90o.
here for total internal reflection within a
45o prism.
glass to air the critical angle is about 42o but it varies
from one medium to another. The material that gives the smallest critical
angle is diamond. That is why they sparkle so much! Rays of light can
easily be made to 'bounce around inside them' by careful cutting of the
stone and the refraction at the surfaces splits the light into a spectrum
of colours!
Relatively speaking,
the critical angle 24.4o for the diamond-air boundary is extremely
small. This property of the diamond-air boundary plays an important role
in the brilliance of a diamond gemstone. Having a small critical angle,
light has the tendency to become "trapped" inside of a diamond
once it enters. Most rays approach the diamond at angles of incidence
greater than the critical angle (as it is so small) so a light ray will
typically undergo TIR several times before finally refracting out of the
diamond. This gives diamond a tendency to sparkle. The effect can be enhanced
by the cutting of a diamond gemstone with a 'strategically' planned shape.
The diagram to the left depicts the total internal reflection within a
diamond gemstone with a 'strategic' and a 'non-strategic' cut.
Glass or Lead Crystal
Cut glass is made
of a glass that contains heavy elements such as lead. This gives it a
smaller critical angle between the glass and air as the glass is denser
and makes it sparkle more when it is cut into facets. It is sought after
for tableware, decorative glassware and in chandeliers.