Solar Energy![]() Solar energy is energy that is produced by our Sun - in latin the name of our Sun is 'Sol'. It is the oldest and most efficient form of renewable energy. Since ancient times people have built their homes so that they could utilize the sun's light and warmth. With today's technology we are able to harness the energy in some quite wonderful ways! Photovoltaic cells (solar cell) - solar (light) energy into electricityA photovoltaic cell is a silicon semi-conductor that can convert the light energy emitted by the sun into usable electric current. This electricity is used to charge up a battery where it is stored for use as chemical energy. You may have solar cells in your calculator! Large arrays of these cells are called 'panels' - photovoltaic panels. Thermal solar panels - solar (heat) energy into heat energy in water These are a simple and efficient way of using the sun to heat water - the hot water can then be used directly by us. When the sun's rays hit dark materials, they absorb the heat energy and become very hot. As water flows through containers beneath the dark surface, it is heated. Often the water is not hot enough for us so we use 'top up' sources to heat it to the desired temperature, but a lot of energy is saved by it not having to be heated up so much!
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