Base Units, Derived Units and Physical Dimensions![]() In terms of measurement, a physical quantity is any 'quantifiable aspect' of the physical world, such as time, distance, velocity, mass, temperature, energy, and weight. 'Units' are used to quantify their magnitude - say how much of that quantifiable aspect we are dealing with! The dimension of a physical quantity can be expressed as a product of the basic physical dimensions length, mass, time, electric charge, and absolute temperature, represented by sans-serif roman symbols L, M, T, Q, and Θ, respectively, each raised to a rational power. Using these dimensions to analyse equations were part of the A Level syllabus for a long time. You will find old questions on the subject of dimensional analysis. The SI standard recommends the usage of the following dimensions and corresponding symbols: length (L), mass (M), time (T), electric current (I) (which under the old system would have been Q/T), absolute temperature Θ, amount of substance - number of moles (N) and luminous intensity (J). These are the ones that current syllabuses will refer to. A base quantity is one of a conventionally chosen subset of physical quantities, where no quantity in the subset can be expressed in terms of the others. Many of these quantities are related to each other by various physical laws, and as a result the units of a quantities can be generally be expressed as a product of powers of other units; for example, momentum is mass multiplied by velocity, while velocity is measured in distance divided by time. Therefore momentum has the dimensions M L T-1 Any quantities that can be expressed only in terms of the base units are called derived quantities Base Units
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