
If BA = C then A is the logarithm of C to base B.

The commonest logarithm base is base 10

eg. 104 =10000

so log10 10000 = 4

and the antilog10 of 4 is 10000

Many natural processes make use of base 2.718 (base 'e').

This number is common in many natural processes, logs to this base are therefore called natural logarithms.

Loge is written ln (log natural)

eg. e2.3 = 10

so ln 10 = 2.3

and ln-1 2.3 is 10

Make sure that you know how to find logs and antilogs to both bases on your calculator.

Multiplication of numbers - add the logs.

log (4 x 2) = log of 4 + log of 2 = 0.602 + 0.301 = 0.903

Division of numbers - subtract the logs

log (4 / 2) = log of 4 - log of 2 = 0.602 - 0.301 = 0.301

The log of a fraction such as a half, is minus the log of the denominator as it is the log of one (zero) minus the log of the denominator

log 0.5 = (log 1 - log 2) = (- log 2) = -0.639