Five key ideas from the U.K. Science Framework
The following five key ideas underpin and permeate the science you
will study at KS3.
You should recognise these ideas when they come up
in your studies and realize the importance placed upon them.
Cells are the 'building blocks of life' is a common
phrase that is not always appreciated or fully understood.
Understanding what cells do, their requirements, and their specialisation
into tissues and organs, helps us to understand why complex living
organisms are the way they are. It enables us to make greater
sense of the organ systems and life processes if we understand
how the 'building blocks' work.
It is important that we understand that nothing in the Universe
is made up of discrete parts but everything is part of a continuous
environment where activities in one place at one time may produce
effects far away or a long time afterwards.
To simplify things in science we often break down things to concentrate
on one aspect. We control variables as much as we can to do our
investigations, but we should never lose sight of the inter-connectability
of everything around us and our limitations in isolating parts. |
The particle
theory of matter is the abstract idea that helps develop an
understanding of why materials behave as they do. It gives us a
new insight into how the nature and behaviour of materials can be
explained in a range of contexts by using a 'model'. |
change the state of rest or motion of a body. They hold matter together
and interplay between all objects. |
Energy is a powerful and unifying abstract idea which is difficult to define.
It allows us to explain a range of physical phenomena, to account
for what happens in biological, chemical, geological and physical
processes, and to make predictions.
We must understand that energy allows us to keep track of change.
A simple model for energy transfer can help us appreciate the
idea of energy conservation. |