Useful ExtrasGeneral Help PagesThese cover skills that you need in order to excel at physics - mathematical skills, writing skills and background knowledge. How to 'cite' this siteInformation on how to refer to diagrams and text you may find in the site and wish to incorporate into a homework, report or book. Practical Investigations - ISAsISA stands for 'Individual Skills Assignments' and was widely used to describe practical assessment work in the 'naughties'. Over time the examination boards change titles and names - but generally not the required skills that they look for. You will find this section useful - especially if you are a trainee teacher. Useful links to other sitesDoes what it says on the tin! I recommend sites that I have found useful. Do message me if you find one is now defunct - or if the site has been 'sold on' and no longer relates to physics. Wide Reading - Science in the NewsThis section is useful if you are researching a homework on a physics topic. Reading about how the topic has impacted on news reporting can be interesting and illuminating. Arranged in topics - mainly BBC reports.... Cyberphysics on You TubeThe link to my channel. Haven't done anything recently - but I am hoping to change that! PowerPoint PresentationsOnes I used in the olden days.... might be of interest to you - practical skills - mainly on using equipment and lesson material (including plenaries) - there are even some I used in assemblies! Interactive XL SpreadsheetsChange the values of components and the spreadsheet works out meter readings etc. for you. I wrote these ages ago - but they can be helpful for students who want to get a visual grasp of what happens when you alter a component value. Can also be used to write questions from - or to test math skills. CrosswordsReally old stuff here - but the interactive ones are useful as a plenary class activity - and the printed ones make great homeworks or work set while you are away. |
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