GCSE Questions: Radioactivity

Q14. Alpha particles, beta particles and gamma rays are types of nuclear radiation.

(a) Describe the structure of an alpha particle.

It is the same as a helium nucleus: two protons and two neutrons.

If you say helium 'atom' you will get no mark!

and if you are lazy and say '2 protons and neutrons' you get no mark either!

[1 mark]

(b) Nuclear radiation can change atoms into ions by the process of ionisation.

(i) Tick which of the following types of nuclear radiation is the least ionising?


alpha particles  
beta particles  
gamma rays

[1 mark]

(ii) What happens to the structure of an atom when the atom is ionised?

It loses or gains one (or more) electron(s) .

[1 mark]

(c) People working with sources of nuclear radiation risk damaging their health.

State one precaution these people should take to reduce the risk to their health.

Any one from:

wear protective clothing - such as a mask or gloves but 'wearing goggles' was insufficient to get you the mark as was 'wear protective equipment/gear'- too vague

work behind lead/concrete/glass shielding

limit time of exposure or wear a film badge

use remote handling or avoid direct contact by handling with (long) tongs to maintain a safe distance.

[1 mark]

(d) The type of radiation emitted from a radioactive source can be identified by comparing the properties of the radiation to the properties of alpha, beta and gamma radiation.

Describe the properties of alpha, beta and gamma radiation in terms of their:

penetration through materials

range in air and

deflection in a magnetic field.


This type of question is marked in two ways:

- the examiner looks for relevant points

- but also for a logical sequence...

It is not just a 'tick fest' - but a marker does look to see how many relevant points you have made, then considers how you have strung them together to put your answer into a 'level'

Level 3:

There is a description of all three types of radiation in terms of at least two of their properties


a full description of two types of radiation in terms of all three properties.

5 - 6 marks
Level 2:

There is a description of at least two types of radiation in terms of some properties
a full description of one type of radiation in terms of all three properties
the same property is described for all three radiations

3 - 4 marks
Level 1:

There is a description of at least one type
of radiation in terms of one or more properties.

1 - 2 marks
Level 0:

No relevant information

0 marks


Examples of physics points that should be made in the response:

alpha particles
are least penetrating
are stopped by paper / card
have the shortest range
can travel (about) 5cm in air
are (slightly) deflected by a magnetic field
alpha particles are deflected in the opposite direction to beta particles by a magnetic field

beta particles
(some are) stopped by (about) 2mm (or more) of aluminium/metal or by aluminium foil
can travel (about) 1 metre in air
are deflected by a magnetic field
beta particles are deflected in the opposite direction to alpha particles by a magnetic field

gamma rays
are the most penetrating
are stopped by (about) 10cm of lead
have the longest range
can travel at least 1 km in air
are not deflected by a magnetic field

[6 marks]

(Total 10 marks)