GCSE Questions: Nuclear Structure

Q3. The ancient Greeks thought that atoms were tiny spheres that could not be divided box into anything smaller.

Since then, different discoveries have led to the model of the atom changing.

(a) Some of the discoveries are given in the table below:

A The mass of an atom is concentrated in the nucleus.
B Electrons orbit the nucleus at specific distances.
C The nucleus contains neutrons.
D The nucleus contains positively charged protons.


(i) Which discovery was the earliest? A

[1 mark]

(ii) Which discovery was the most recent? C

[1 mark]

(b) The alpha particle scattering experiment led to the nuclear model of the atom.

The diagram below shows the paths of alpha particles travelling close to a gold nucleus.


Complete the following sentences by choosing words from this box.

Each word may be used once, more than once or not at all.

(i) Alpha particles and gold nuclei are both positively charged.

The gold nucleus repels the alpha particles.

(ii) As the alpha particle approaches the gold nucleus, the electric field strength experienced by the alpha particle increases .

(iii) As an alpha particle approaches the gold nucleus, the force experienced by the alpha particle increases .

[3 marks]

(c) The results of the alpha particle scattering experiment were reproducible.

What does reproducible mean? Tick the box that describes what reporducible means:

Another scientist repeats the experiment and gets the same results.
Another scientist repeats the experiment and gets different results.  
The same scientist repeats the experiment and gets the same results.  
The same scientist repeats the experiment and gets different results.  


[1 mark]

(Total 6 marks)