GCSE Questions on pressure, buoyancy, upthrust and fluids

Q4. A student made a hydraulic system using two syringes filled with water. The syringes were joined with a tube, as shown below.

(a) What property of water makes it suitable to use in a hydraulic system? Tick the correct answer.

It is almost incompressible.
It is a poor electrical conductor.  
It is transparent.  


[1 mark]

(b) The student investigated how changing the cross-sectional area of piston B affected the force needed to keep piston B moving at a constant rate.

The results are shown in the graph below:

(i) Describe the relationship between the cross-sectional area of piston B and the force applied to piston B.

The force needed to keep piston B moving at a constant rate is

directly proportional

to the cross sectional area of piston B.

You just got one mark if you said 'when the area increases the force increases' or 'the pattern is linear' - saying 'there is a positive correlation' was insufficient to get you a mark.

[2 marks]

(ii) The student used a newton-meter to measure the force applied to piston B.

The newton-meter is shown below.

What is the smallest change in force that can be measured with this newton-meter?

0.5 N

[1 mark]

[4 Marks TOTAL]