GCSE Questions: Circular Motion

Q3. (a) The diagram shows a car travelling around a bend in the road. The car is travelling at a constant speed.

There is a resultant force acting on the car. This resultant force is called the centripetal force.

(i) In which direction, A, B, C or D, does the centripetal force act on the car? D

[1 mark]

(ii) State the name of the force that provides the centripetal force.


[1 mark]

(iii) State two factors that affect the size of the centripetal force acting on the car.

Any two from:

the speed (or velocity) of the car

the radius of the bend or curvature of the road

the mass (or weight) of the car

[2 marks]

(b) The photo shows a racing car.

A racing car should not roll over when racing. State two features of the car that make it difficult for the car to roll over.

To be stable the car needs to have a wide (wheel) base and a low centre of mass/gravity.

[2 marks]

[6 Marks TOTAL]