GCSE Questions - Electromagnetic Spectrum

Q9. Infrared and microwaves are two types of electromagnetic radiation.


(i) State one example of the use of each type of radiation for communication.

Use of infrared:

remote controls, fibre optic (communications)

Use of microwaves:

mobile/cell phones satellite (communications/TV), wi-fi, Bluetooth

[2 marks]

(ii) Some of the properties of infrared and microwaves are the same.

State two of these properties.

Any two from

same speed or travel at the speed of light (in a vacuum)


can transfer energy (from one place to another)

can be reflected

can be refracted

can be diffracted

can be absorbed / transmitted

can travel through a vacuum/space

can be polarised

[2 marks]

(b) In 1964, physicists discovered microwave radiation that filled the universe.

(i) Name this type of radiation.

Cosmic Microwave Background (Radiation)

[1 mark]

(ii) State the importance of this discovery made by the physicists.

The Big Bang (theory) predicted the existence of CMBR and discovering it disprived the 'Steady State' theory and supported the Big Bang Theory,

[1 mark]

(Total 5 marks)