GCSE Questions: Static ElectricityQ8. Cordelia rubs a rubber balloon against the sleeve of her woollen jumper.
The balloon becomes negatively charged. (a)
The balloon becomes negatively charged because it gains _ _ _ ? _ _ _ from the jumper. [1 mark]
[1 mark] (b) The diagram shows two identically charged balloons hanging close together.
[1 mark] The balloons carry the same type of charge and so _ _ _ ? _ _ _ each other.
[1 mark] (c) A lightning conductor attached to the outside of a building reduces the risk of damage being caused to the building by a lightning strike. If the building is struck by lightning the electrical charge flows through the lightning conductor to earth.
[1 mark]
[1 mark] (iii) During a lightning strike, 4.0 C of charge flow through a lightning conductor in 0.002 s. Calculate the current that flows through the lightning conductor. [3 marks] [Total 9 marks]
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