Multiple Choice: Materials, Energy, Heat and Temperature and Kinetic Theory

Q1. These statements are about the pressure and volume of a fixed mass of gas at constant temperature.

Which statement is correct?

A Volume doubles, pressure doubles  
B Volume doubles, pressure halves
C Volume halves, pressure halves  
D Volume halves, pressure stays constant  


Q2. Which of the following has the most kinetic energy?

EK = ½mv2


A EK = ½mv2= ½ x 500 x 22 = 1,000 J  
B EK = ½mv2= ½ x 80 x 102 = 4,000 J  
C EK = ½mv2= ½ x 3000 x 42 = 24,000 J
D EK = ½mv2= ½ x 750 x 62 = 13,500 J  


Q3. A student studies how the temperature falls when a liquid cools.

What is happening at point X on the graph?

A Boiling  
B Freezing
C Melting  
D Subliming  


Q4. A sealed boiling tube contains gas.

The boiling tube is heated.

What happens?

A The particles in the gas evaporate  
B The particles in the gas expand.  
C The particles in the gas move faster.
D The particles in the gas move slower.  


Q5. An object has a volume of 1.5 m3 and a mass of 3.0 kg.

What is the density of the object?

density = mass/volume

density = 3.0 / 1.5

density = 2.0 kg/m3

A 0.5 kg/m3  
B 2.0 kg/m3
C 4.5 kg/m3  
D 6.0 kg/m3  


Q6. A cylinder contains a gas.

The volume of the gas is halved and the temperature remains the same.

What happens to the pressure of the gas?

A It remains the same.  
B It halves.  
C It doubles.
D It quadruples.  


Q7. Different states of matter have different densities.

Which of the following shows the states of matter in density order, starting with the lowest density?

A Solid – liquid – gas  
B Solid – gas – liquid  
C Gas – liquid – solid
D Liquid – gas – solid  


Q8. What is the typical size for a small molecule?

A 0.1cm  
B 0.1 km  
C 0.1 m  
D 0.1 nm


Q9. Adeleine measures the weight of four boxes and the area in contact with the ground.

Which box exerts the greatest pressure on the ground?

Pressure = weight/volume

Weight /N
Area /cm2
Pressure /(N/cm2)


Q10. Energy is needed to change ice into water.

Calculate the energy needed to change 5 kg of ice into water.

Specific latent heat of melting = 3.34 × 105 J/kg.

Energy to change state = specific latent heat x mass

E = 3.34 × 105 x 5 = 1,670,000 J

16.7 J
1,670 J
1,670,000 J
1,670,000,000 J