Questions on the Earth in Space

Q8. The graph below gives information about some of the planets in the Solar System.

(a) Planet A is shown on the graph above. The orbit of planet A is between Saturn and Neptune. What is the name of planet A?

1 mark

(b) Part of the graph is shown in more detail below.

(i) Use a dot to mark the position of the Earth on the graph above as precisely as you can. Label the dot 'Earth'. Explain why you put the dot at this position.

2 marks

(ii) On the same graph, mark with a cross the approximate position of Venus and label it 'Venus'.

1 mark

(c) Asteroids orbit the Sun just like the planets. Information about five asteroids is given in the table below. Which asteroid is the closest to the Sun? Give the reason for your answer.

Name of Asteroid Eugenia Hestia Iris Melpomene Psyche
Orbital period/Earth Years 4.49 4.01 5.51 3.48 5.00

1 mark

Maximum 5 marks