Questions on Energy Sources

Q10. Coal is a non-renewable energy resource. Wood is a renewable energy resource.

(a) Give two other non-renewable energy resources.

any two from

  • oil accept 'petrol
  • natural gas accept methane
  • nuclear accept uranium

do not accept 'fossil fuel' or 'coal'

2 marks

(b) Why can wood be described as a renewable energy resource?

Wood is naturally replaced because more trees can be planted so that we can obtain more wood within a relatively short timespan.

Do not accept 'can be used again' or 'can be recycled'

1 mark

(c) Give two other renewable energy resources.

any two from

  • wind
  • wave do not accept 'water'
  • hydroelectric power
  • tidal
  • geothermal
  • solar accept 'sunlight'
  • biomass

2 marks

(d) Complete the statement below to describe what happens when wood burns.

When wood burns, chemical energy in the wood is transformed into .....thermal or heatOR light ..... energy, which is transferred to the surroundings.

1 mark

Maximum 6 marks