Questions on Energy Sources

Q1. Many substances burn. Some of them are used as fuels. Some fuels are burned in power stations to generate electricity, others a burned to provide heat or light for our homes.

The things pictured below are found in the home. Each uses a different fuel.

(a) Draw one line from each item to the fuel it uses. Use each fuel only once.

See diagram - (one for each correct line)

accept central heating boiler ------  coal
accept central heating boiler ------  gas
accept fireplace  --------------------  gas

3 marks

(b) Name two fossil fuels which are burned in power stations to generate electricity.


(Natural) gas


Max 2 marks

(c) Burning fuels can pollute the air. Give two substances which pollute the environment when fuels burn.

any two from:

      • soot or carbon fragments
      • ash
      • smoke
      • sulphur dioxide (accept 'sulphur')
      • carbon monoxide
      • carbon dioxide
      • oxides of nitrogen (accept 'nitrogen oxide')
      • accept 'lead particles'
      • accept 'acid rain'

do not accept 'greenhouse gases' or 'water' or 'gas'

2 marks

(d) Some power stations do not burn fuels. They use other energy resources to generate electricity. Give two energy resources which are not fuels and which are used to generate electricity.

any two from

      • geothermal
      • wind •
      • solar accept 'Sun'
      • running water accept 'hydro' or 'HEP' or 'water power'
      • waves
      • tidal
      • nuclear accept 'uranium'

do not accept 'water'

2 marks

Maximum 9 marks