Emergency Drill![]() EMERGENCY EVACUATION OF THE SCHOOL PREMISES The Emergency procedure which operates is given below. There should be a copy of it in each Form Room and staff should make themselves thoroughly conversant with the procedure. Form Tutors should go over the details at the beginning of the academic year and from time-to-time in the course of the year. Fire drills will be usually held once a term without prior warning, except for the first drill of the academic year. Procedure for emergency evacuation of the school premises 1. The alarm is a sustained sounding of the lesson change siren. If you discover a fire, raise the alarm by activating the nearest alarm call point. 2. Trained persons only will tackle a fire and only if they feel it is safe to do so. 3. Leave the building by the nearest emergency exit and go to the assembly point, as detailed in the evacuation procedure below. 4. Evacuation of the buildings The fire exit plan, in each room, shows designated escape routes but if your normal route is blocked by congestion or cannot be used for some other reason, use the next nearest exit. The member of staff is the last to leave the room and should close the door. Shut windows only if this can be done quickly and without hazard. Staff should check every room/small area they pass to make sure no one is left but particularly:
Pupils supervised by teacher to leave rooms in a quiet, orderly manner and walk as quickly as possible to the assembly area at the front of the school. Pupils to line up in forms, silently in single file. Associate staff and any visitors to proceed to the assembly area on the field at the front of school.
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