Questions on Energy Sources

Q7. Oil is an important energy resource. It provides about 38% of the energy used for transport, heating and generating electricity.

(a) The energy stored in oil came from the Sun. Describe how energy from the Sun became stored in oil.

Plants store energy by the process of photosynthesis. All living things consume plant material as food (or animals that have consumed plant material). Oil is formed from the fossilised remains of living things.

2 marks


(i) Oil can be described as a non-renewable energy resource. Explain why.

Oil it cannot be replaced once it is has been used because it takes a long time to form.

When we runout it will take millions of years for more oil to form naturally. It is therefore a non-renewable resource as no natural mechanism can reform it for us to use in a short time span.

Do not accept 'you cannot use it over and over again' or 'it cannot be recycled'

1 mark

(ii) Choose two non-renewable energy resources from the list below:

  • coal
  • wind
  • solar
  • tidal
  • natural gas
  • wave

2 marks

Maximum 5 marks