S.I. Prefixes Crossword
S.I. prefixes are letters (some of them Greek!) that are put in front of the symbol for a unit. They indicate that the number should be multiplied by ten to the power of something – you should know their names!

Clues Across:
3 |
The S.I. prefix that means x 10-2 |
4 |
The S.I. prefix that means x 103 |
7 |
The S.I. prefix that means x 106 |
9 |
The S.I. prefix that means x 1012 |
10 |
The S.I. prefix that means x 10-6
Clues Down:
1 |
The S.I. prefix that means x 10-12 |
2 |
The S.I. prefix that means x 109 |
5 |
The S.I. prefix that means x 10-3 |
6 |
The S.I. prefix that means x 10-15 |
8 |
The S.I. prefix that means x 10-9 |
Link to crossword solution
Link to printable worksheet