Click here for a diagram of a liquid in glass thermometer and the rules on using one
A Thermometer is an instrument that measures
temperature. It can be used to measure the temperature of gases, liquids,
and solids. It works by using the fact that certain measurable physical
characteristics of substances change when the temperature changes e.g.
the volume of a fluid
the length of a solid
resistance - the opposition to the flow of electricity - of
an electrical conductor or semiconductor.
A wide variety of devices are employed as thermometers.
The main requirement is that one of the above easily measured properties
should change markedly and predictably with changes in temperature.
The variation of the property should change fairly linearly with changes
in temperature. In other words, a unit change in temperature should
lead to a unit change in the property to be measured at all points of
the scale.
There are many types of thermometers. They can be
made as analogue or digital thermometers - ones that give
a sliding scale reading as output or numeric output. They can be made
to be used over and over again or as disposable thermometers.
History of thermometers
The first known thermometer was invented in 1593
by the Italian astronomer Galileo. It was called a thermoscope
and was only fairly accurate.
A truly accurate thermometer using alcohol
was first developed in 1641.
In 1714, Gabriel D. Fahrenheit, a German
physicist, built a mercury thermometer of the type used today.
Clinical (fever) thermometers.
Human body temperature is measured with a clinical,
or fever, thermometer.
It is a specialised type of liquid-in-glass thermometer
that only measures temperature within a very limited range.
Many clinical
thermometers today are designed to display the output in a digital format
to make temperature reading easier.
Non-invasive (those that are not
inserted in the body) and highly accurate infrared thermometers, called
tympanic thermometers, have also been developed. They can take readings
of body temperature by measuring heat coming from the ear.
These are the best-known
type of thermometers. They are the ones you will use in the laboratory.
You should know how to use one accurately. They can be used to determine
the temperature inside a room or outside a building, to measure the
body temperature, and in cooking.
Mercury is the most common liquid in these thermometers.
Alcohol is used in areas where the temperature frequently drops below
the freezing point of mercury -39 °C or where mercury would be harmful
if an accident occurred.
A large volume of the liquid fills a glass bulb,
which is connected to a sealed narrow glass tube. Some of the liquid
partially fills this tube - but its volume is negligible compared to
that in the bulb. The bulb is immersed in whatever it to have its temperature
measured and absorbs or emits heat energy until it is the same temperature
as the surroundings. When the temperature goes up, the volume of the
liquid expands and the liquid rises and vice versa. An increase in temperature
makes some of the liquid from the bulb rise up the tube, a decrease
makes the liquid in the bulb contract and the liquid in the tube contracts
back down into the bulb.
The tube's thick, convex curved face acts as a magnifying
lens that makes the thin thread of mercury clearly visible.
A temperature scale is marked on the outside of
the thermometer. The narrower the bore of the fine tube, the further
apart the scale markings can be placed and the more accurately the temperature
can be read.
In making a liquid thermometer, the mercury is
ordinarily driven to the top of the tube by heating. The glass is then
sealed off, resulting in a vacuum when the mercury contracts during
cooling. For high-temperature applications the tube is filled with a
pressurized gas before sealing to prevent the mercury from boiling.
For very high or very low temperatures, or for very
accurate measurements, liquid-in-glass thermometers are not suitable.
Various types of electrical thermometers are used instead.
Maximum and Minimum Thermometers
Thermometers may also be designed to register the
maximum or minimum temperature attained. A mercury-in-glass clinical
thermometer, for example, is a maximum-reading instrument in which a
trap in the capillary tube between the bulb and the bottom of the capillary
permits the mercury to expand with increasing temperature, but prevents
it from flowing back unless it is forced back by vigorous shaking. Maximum
temperatures reached during the operation of tools and machines may
also be estimated by special paint patches that change color when certain
temperatures are reached and garden U-shaped thermometers allow the
maximum and minimum temperatures reached in a greenhouse to be ascertained.
Deformation-type thermometers
These change shape
as a result of an increase or decrease in temperature. There are two
main kinds of deformation thermometers: bimetallic and Bourdon tube.
Bimetallic thermometers, the most common type, consist
of two strips of different metals, such as iron and brass. The strips
are fastened together from end to end, forming a composite bar. When
the temperature rises, each metal expands a different amount, which
causes the bar to bend . The greater expansion of brass compared to
that of steel makes the brass curve round on the outside of the steel.
This motion of the bar causes a pointer to move up or down a scale,
indicating a temperature change. A thermograph includes a pen that makes
a written record of temperature changes.>
A bimetallic thermometer>
Bourdon tube thermometers have a curved, flexible
metal tube filled with a liquid, such as glycerol or xylene. A rise
in temperature makes the liquid expand. The tube straightens out to
accommodate the increased volume of liquid. A pen or pointer attached
to the end of the tube indicates the temperature.
Electrical thermometers
These include thermocouples
and resistance thermometers.
Thermocouples, the most widely used type,
consist of two wires, each of a different metal. Both ends of the two
wires are twisted together to form junctions. One of these junctions,
called the reference junction, is kept at a constant temperature
usually 0 °C. As the temperature of the other junction changes, a small
voltage is generated between the two wires. The voltage is measured
by a millivoltmeter. This can be calibrated to give a reading of the
temperature. Most thermocouples that measure the temperature of the
air have wires made of copper and an alloy called constantan. Thermocouples can be made with combinations of different wire to allow
temperature measurement over a large range. They can be used to measure
very high temperatures - up to 2800 °C.
Resistance thermometers are made of metals
like copper, nickel, or platinum. A temperature change causes a variation
in the electrical resistance of these metals. (Resistance of a metal
increases with temperature increase). They are used in a circuit and
an ammeter can be calibrated to give a read-out in temperature. Scientists
use platinum resistance thermometers to check the accuracy of all other
types of thermometers. Extremely reliable platinum resistance thermometers
are used to measure temperatures from -259.35 °C to 961.78 °C on the
International Temperature Scale of 1990 (ITS-90). This scale provides
a worldwide reference for temperature values.
Thermistors are electronic components that
suffer a resistance change with change of temperature. For a thermistor
of a given composition, the measurement of a specific temperature will
result in a specific resistance across the thermistor.
With suitable
circuitry, the current reading can be converted to a direct digital
display of the temperature. Various thermistors made of oxides of nickel,
manganese, or cobalt are used to sense temperatures between -46° and
150° C (between -50° and 300° F). Similarly, thermistors employing other
metals or alloys are designed for use at higher temperatures; platinum,
for example, can be used up to 930° C (1700° F).
Thermistors and thermocouples can often have probes
of less than 1cm in length, which alllows them to respond rapidly to
temperature changes and also makes them ideal for many biological and
engineering applications.
The optical pyrometer can be used to measure
temperatures of solid objects at temperatures above 700° C (about 1300°
F), where most other thermometers would melt. At such high temperatures,
solid objects radiate enough electromagnetic energy in the visual range
(they glow!) to permit optical measurement. The color at which hot objects
glow changes from dull red through yellow to nearly white at about 1300°
C (about 2400° F). The pyrometer contains a light bulb type of filament
controlled by a rheostat (dimmer switch) that is calibrated so that
the temperature of the object can be compared to that of the bulb filament
and the resistance of the filament can then be changed into a digital
output of temperature. By viewing a very hot object - such as the interior
of a furnace - through a pyrometer and by adjusting the filament until
its color blends with that of the surroundings, the temperature of very
hot surfaces can be estimated with fair accuracy>
Digital thermometers use electronic circuits
and devices to communicate temperature measurements to the user. These
thermometers display the measurements as numbers - using an LCD (liquid
crystal display - like on your calculator) or LED (light emitting diode
- little glowing segments) display. Digital thermometers measure the
temperature of an appendage that is inserted into whatever you wish
to find the temperature of. It is usually a slender device, remote from
the circuitry called a probe. The probe is made of either a metal,
such as copper or platinum, or a semiconductor. Temperature changes
can cause a large variation in the electrical resistance of these materials.
Most semiconductors are more sensitive to temperature changes than are
The probe is connected to an electronic circuit.
The circuit receives temperature readings from the probe in the form
of electrical signals. The signals are changed into numbers, which appear
in a display window.>
Disposable thermometers are sometimes used
for measuring body temperature to avoid the passing of infection from
patient to patient. They are cheaper than ordinary thermometers to manufacture
and therefore to buy. >>
Some disposable thermometers are made of materials
that melt at certain temperatures. Others use substances called liquid
crystals, which change appearance (colour) at specific temperatures.>
Accuracy of Measurement
Any thermometer indicates only its own temperature,
which may not agree with the actual temperature of the object to be
In measuring the air temperature outside a building,
for example, if one thermometer is placed in the shade and one in the
sun, only a few centimeters away from each other, the readings on the
two instruments may be quite different, even thoughthe air temperature
is the same. The thermometer placed in the sun will absorb the sun's
radiant heat. As a result, the indicated temperature may be significantly
above the true air temperature. To avoid such errors, accurate temperature
determinations require the shielding of the thermometer from hot/cold
sources to or from which heat might be transferred by radiation, conduction,
or convection.
Accurate measurement of temperature depends on the
'establishment of thermal equilibrium between the thermometric device
and its surroundings'. That means that the temperature of the thermometer
must be exactly the same as the object it is meant to be measuring the
temperature of.
Transfer of heat energy between the object and the
thermometer takes time. The thermometer must be allowed time to reach
the temperature of what it is measuring. A clinical thermometer, therefore,
must be inserted long enough (more than one minute) to reach near-equilibrium
with the human body to yield an accurate reading. It should also be
inserted deeply enough into, and have sufficient contact with the body,
to indicate temperature accurately. These conditions are almost impossible
to achieve with an oral (into the mouth) thermometer, which generally
indicates a body temperature lower than that given by a rectal (into
the anus) thermometer. Insertion times can be significantly reduced
with small, rapidly reacting thermometers such as thermistor devices.
If a thermometer is placed into a cold environment
it will give out heat until it becomes the same temperature as its surroundings.
If a thermometer is placed into a hot environment it will take inheat
until it becomes the same temperature as its surroundings. Therfore
the quantity of heat that is transferrred in this process should not
be too large.... otherwise it will interfere too much with the temperature
it is trying to measure and give a higher or lower reading because it
has taken heat from (or given it to) the object and changed the temperature
of the object it is measuring! Mercury is preferable in liquid in glass
thermometers because it has a low specific heat capacity and therefore
does not need to have much heat transferred to/from it when it changes
Temperature scales.
Gabriel Fahrenheit proposed the first widely adopted
temperature scale, named after him, in which 32° F is the freezing point
of water and 212° F is its boiling point at standard atmospheric pressure.
Various temperature scales have been proposed since his time; in the centigrade,
or Celsius, scale, devised by the Swedish astronomer Anders Celsius and
used in most of the world, the freezing point is 0°C, the boiling point
is 100°C.
The kelvin (named after Lord Kelvin) scale is used for scientific
measurement. On this scale, water freezes at 273 K and boils at 373 K
- note that there is no ° sign in front of the K!
Some manufacturers produce thermometers with a temperature
scale in Fahrenheit (especially in the USA). Most manufacturers
produce thermometers with the Celsius scale. Scientific thermometers
use the Kelvin scale.
All temperature scales are now based on the International
Temperature Scale of 1990. On this scale, temperature is determined
by means of a series of fixed points called equilibrium states,
which have assigned values. Temperatures are expressed in Celsius and
kelvin units, but may be converted to other scales.