Radioactivity Index

Alpha Particle

Animations of decay

Balancing Equations

Background Radiation 

Beta Particle

Cosmic Rays

Dangers of Nuclear Radiation

Deflection by electric and magnetic fields

Detection of Nuclear Radiation 

Effects of Ionizing Radiation


Gamma Ray

Glossary of terms

Half Life 

Human activities that affect our radiation dose

Ionizing Power

Measurement of Radioactivity 

Neutron Emission

Nuclear Equations 

National Radiological Protection Board

Penetrating Power

PET Scans

Radiation - What is it?

Rate of Radioactive Decay 

Risks (high level detail for potential medics only!)



Structure of the Atom 


Tissue damage


Types of Nuclear Radiation 

Uses of Nuclear Radiation 

Why are some nuclei radioactive

for A2 (advanced level) radioactivity topics click here

for Y11 discussion topics click here

For UCL medical physics videos click here

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