A level: Radioactivity Questions

These questions are from past A Level papers.

NZ graph and nucleus density
10 marks
Half Life - random nature - activity
12 marks
Nuclear fission
6 marks
Iodine for medical use
12 marks
Cloud chamber
9 marks
Alpha particle decay - graph
5 marks
NZ graph
6 marks
Sodium decay
10 marks
Alpha radiation exposure
10 marks
NZ graph
10 marks
7 marks
Uranium decay - binding energy
10 marks
Beta decay
8 marks
Beta decay
10 marks
10 marks
Lead and copper
10 marks
Artificially produced isotopes
4 marks
Ionisation and range in air
6 marks
Radioisotope Thermonuclear Generator (RTG)
8 marks
Dual decay methods for Potassium 40
10 marks


You may also want to try Carbon Dating Questions

or questions relating to practical investigations

or multiple choice questions

Or even look at GCSE level questions on this topic.