GCSE Questions: Static Electricity

Q11. Mina rubbed a plastic rod with a cloth. box The rod became negatively charged and the cloth became positively charged.

(a) Explain why the cloth became positively charged.

[3 marks]

This diagram shows the negatively charged rod on a balance.

This diagram shows another charged rod being held stationary above the rod on the balance.

The rods do not touch each other.


(b) Explain why the reading on the balance increases.

[3 marks]

(c) The balance had a zero error.

The zero error is not important in this experiment.

Give the reason why.

[1 mark]

(d) A negatively charged rod is held near an earthed conductor.

Explain why a spark jumps between the negatively charged rod and the earthed conductor.

[3 marks]

[Total 10 marks]